2021 NPSFL Standings
Division I
Tie Breaker Rules
The basic criteria for selection of the two teams to represent the League in the Championship Games will be by a simple WIN/LOSS record, using only 4
officially sanctioned League contests.
In the event two or more teams have identical WIN/LOSS records, the next determining factor will be head-to-head competition. In a situation where a head-to-head tie-breaker can be applied, it shall be applied; meaning... if two or more teams have all played head-to-head games against each other, and one of the teams involved can be identified as having a head to head victories over the others, that team will move on to the Championship game.
If those teams' head-to-head victories equally cancel each other out or if all teams have not played each other, this tie-breaker cannot apply. If the head-to-head system does not apply, the next determination will be made by the “Power Point System” which has been adopted by the NPSFL.
If the "Power Point System" results in a tie, the next tie breaker will be a coin flip.
The Power Ranking System:
a) Each team will be assigned a power ranking at the Annual League Meeting. The ranking will be based completely on the team’s previous season’s regular season record.
The ranking will be as follows:
1) 2018 Win/Loss Record = 2019 Power Point Ranking
2018: 4 - 0 = 2019: (5)
2018: 3 - 1 = 2019: (4)
2018: 2 - 2 = 2019: (3)
2018: 1 - 3 = 2019: (2)
2018: 0 - 4 = 2019: (2)
2) New teams joining the League after their League mandated probationary period will automatically be assigned a power ranking of (2)
b) Each team will be awarded two (2) points for each victory in an officially sanctioned League contest
-a team that finishes with a 4-0 record (officially sanctioned league contest only) will be awarded eight (8) points
-a team that finishes with a 3-1 record (officially sanctioned league contest only) will be awarded six (6) points
-a team that finishes with a 2-2 record (officially sanctioned league contest only) will be awarded six (4) points
c) At the end of the regular season, all teams will compare their individual records, and their league opponent’s WON/LOSS records, and will be awarded
(1) point for each of their regular season opponent’s win's and no points awarded for a loss.
Total Power Points = Power Ranking Points + Victory Points + Opponent Victory Points
Example: Two teams are 4-0 in the league at the end of the regular season
Team A with a record of 4-0 has played teams with power ranking of 5/3/3/1 = 12 Power Ranking points
Team A is awarded two points for each win 4-0 = 8 Victory points
Team A is awarded one point for each opponent’s win that season:
Team 1 - 3-1 = 3
Team 2 - 2-2 = 2
Team 3 - 1-3 = 1
Team 4 - 1-3 = 1
3+2+1+1= 7 Opponent Victory points
Team A Power Point total is 12 + 8 + 7 = 27
Team B with a record of 4-0 has played teams with power ranking of 3/3/2/2 = 10 Power Ranking points
Team B is awarded two points for each win 4-0 = 8 Victory points
Team B is awarded one point for each opponent’s win that season:
Team 1 - 3-1 = 3
Team 2 - 2-2 = 2
Team 3 - 2-2 = 2
Team 4 - 0-4 = 0
3+2+2+0 = 7 Opponent Victory points
Team B Power Point total is 10 + 8 + 7 = 25
Team A would advance over Team B to the Championship Game on Power Points (27 to 25).
If a determination cannot be made by the “Power Ranking System,” the League President will conduct a coin flip while on teleconference call with a representative from teams involved. The coin flip shall be video recorded, by camera or cellular phone, as to eliminate any dispute. If the League President’s team is involved, any other member of the Executive Board may be selected to conduct the coin flip.
The basic criteria for selection of the two teams to represent the League in the Championship Games will be by a simple WIN/LOSS record, using only 4
officially sanctioned League contests.
In the event two or more teams have identical WIN/LOSS records, the next determining factor will be head-to-head competition. In a situation where a head-to-head tie-breaker can be applied, it shall be applied; meaning... if two or more teams have all played head-to-head games against each other, and one of the teams involved can be identified as having a head to head victories over the others, that team will move on to the Championship game.
If those teams' head-to-head victories equally cancel each other out or if all teams have not played each other, this tie-breaker cannot apply. If the head-to-head system does not apply, the next determination will be made by the “Power Point System” which has been adopted by the NPSFL.
If the "Power Point System" results in a tie, the next tie breaker will be a coin flip.
The Power Ranking System:
a) Each team will be assigned a power ranking at the Annual League Meeting. The ranking will be based completely on the team’s previous season’s regular season record.
The ranking will be as follows:
1) 2018 Win/Loss Record = 2019 Power Point Ranking
2018: 4 - 0 = 2019: (5)
2018: 3 - 1 = 2019: (4)
2018: 2 - 2 = 2019: (3)
2018: 1 - 3 = 2019: (2)
2018: 0 - 4 = 2019: (2)
2) New teams joining the League after their League mandated probationary period will automatically be assigned a power ranking of (2)
b) Each team will be awarded two (2) points for each victory in an officially sanctioned League contest
-a team that finishes with a 4-0 record (officially sanctioned league contest only) will be awarded eight (8) points
-a team that finishes with a 3-1 record (officially sanctioned league contest only) will be awarded six (6) points
-a team that finishes with a 2-2 record (officially sanctioned league contest only) will be awarded six (4) points
c) At the end of the regular season, all teams will compare their individual records, and their league opponent’s WON/LOSS records, and will be awarded
(1) point for each of their regular season opponent’s win's and no points awarded for a loss.
Total Power Points = Power Ranking Points + Victory Points + Opponent Victory Points
Example: Two teams are 4-0 in the league at the end of the regular season
Team A with a record of 4-0 has played teams with power ranking of 5/3/3/1 = 12 Power Ranking points
Team A is awarded two points for each win 4-0 = 8 Victory points
Team A is awarded one point for each opponent’s win that season:
Team 1 - 3-1 = 3
Team 2 - 2-2 = 2
Team 3 - 1-3 = 1
Team 4 - 1-3 = 1
3+2+1+1= 7 Opponent Victory points
Team A Power Point total is 12 + 8 + 7 = 27
Team B with a record of 4-0 has played teams with power ranking of 3/3/2/2 = 10 Power Ranking points
Team B is awarded two points for each win 4-0 = 8 Victory points
Team B is awarded one point for each opponent’s win that season:
Team 1 - 3-1 = 3
Team 2 - 2-2 = 2
Team 3 - 2-2 = 2
Team 4 - 0-4 = 0
3+2+2+0 = 7 Opponent Victory points
Team B Power Point total is 10 + 8 + 7 = 25
Team A would advance over Team B to the Championship Game on Power Points (27 to 25).
If a determination cannot be made by the “Power Ranking System,” the League President will conduct a coin flip while on teleconference call with a representative from teams involved. The coin flip shall be video recorded, by camera or cellular phone, as to eliminate any dispute. If the League President’s team is involved, any other member of the Executive Board may be selected to conduct the coin flip.